GEWO Force Series Dynamics, precision, innovation
The success story continues! It all started in 2011 with Force ARC Off and the story is now contin-ued with the new GEWO Force series. New compositions and materials were combined to meet the requirements of modern high-performance table tennis. The composition of the popular Force ARC Off remains unchanged while the blades balance has been adapted to the demands made on state-of-the art table tennis blades.
In this blade, the GEWO material experts, by using PBO-PC fibre for the very first time in a GEWO blade, have succeeded in creating a unique combination of blade features.
A blade composition combining stability, speed and feel to obtain a balanced, fairly soft feel, while providing more than enough power reserves for hard strokes. Too good to be true? Not with GE-WO In-Force PBO-PC Off! The special gluing technique combined with the hardness of the new PBO-PC fibre provide for fantastic playing features as regards acceleration and control. A real novelty in the GEWO range of high-end blades. Thanks to the fine Limba outer plies, the blade also provides for longer ball contact and excellent spin ratings.
Composition: Limba - Limba - PBO-Power-Carbon - Ayous - PBO-Power-Carbon Limba - Limba
Speed: 100
Control: 90
Weight: 87 g